SMASH BIG MEDIA...whirrrrrrl. bleep.



Home of ::doubleplusgood:: with Liz Walsh, airing THURSDAYS from 3 - 5 PM EST this Fall on WPRB Princeton 103.3 FM, & realtime streaming audio everywhere at http://www.wprb.com UP-TO-DATE PLAYLISTS: http://wprb.com/djplaylists.php?id=65 PW article: http://www.philadelphiaweekly.com/view.php?id=9150 > Questions about tracks I've played? Email me: doubleplusgoodwprb@yahoo.com




Hey There Free-From Radio Enthusiasts, Doubleplusgood Listeners & Cohorts, Listen Up! October 7th to October 14 is WPRB Princeton, Stereo 103.3's all-important Membership Drive, a week of special programming, live bands and general awesomeness to raise money to keep our wonderful station afloat. Tune in all week to hear extra-special programming, live sets, and another exciting installation of Rock Blaaster, WPRB's own serialized radio drama. Your donation makes you a member of the WPRB Community, links you into the NJ/PA/Greater Philadelphia Metropolitan Area independent music scene and beyond, and you can listen to WPRB knowing that you are doing your part to keep it on the air. See you on the airwaves!



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